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Friday, 24 May 2013

Money, Money, Money

To finish our Money Unit we partnered up with Mrs. Reids class to have a Klasseid Market! We each made our own stores and items. We also priced them and had to make the correct change. We had a blast!

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

More Adventures in Grade 2

To celebrate our Fairy Tale Unit, we decided to finish it with a "FEE FI FO FUM" and a delicious Hansel and Gretel buffet... We were in candy heaven!
Dress up as a Fairy Tale character was a MUST
A candy buffet, who can complain?
Sugar anyone?

A few weeks ago we enjoyed the 20+ Degrees weather and had our very own "AMAZING RACE"
Carry this heavy tub around the diamond, 2 times! They were pretty exhausted!
Memorize this poem. This was a tough one!
Jumping Jacks soldiers!
Josh, our sergeant
Eat those cheerios one at a time
We are all smiles!